Experimental Type

The prompt for this project was to experiment with the typeface Akzidenz-Grotesk Next to explore the realm of dreams. How do dreams manifest itself and how can one evoke the feeling of dreams through the use of type? These were some of the questions we had to tackle throughout the process of our explorations.
Personally, the dreams that I remember the most are nightmares. In the explorations, I used charcoal, light, shadows, cut out type, and distorted the type through elements such as water and ink. The results of the exploration was a set of three posters for the movie Coraline. I decided to choose this movie because my most successful explorations were shadows of the type cast on the wall. These explorations reminded me of the world of Henry Selick's films, especially Coraline, where reality and the other world collide.
Year of Completion
Spring 2021
Type of Project
Experimental Typography
Poster Design
Course Name
GR 619 Type Experiments
David Hake